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在线投稿邮箱:tougao@qdn.cn  新闻热线:8222000  值班QQ:449315
时间:2013-08-05 14:39:51  来源:新华国际  

  Baby survives after 100ft fall from cable car

  Fall ... a mum and died after a cable car tipped them out but their baby survived

  A MUM and dad died when they were tipped out of a cable car — but their baby miraculously survived after she got caught in branches in the Alps.

  The parents were hiking on the Baerlaui mountain in central Switzerland when they decided to descend in the vehicle.

  There was a sudden lurch in the cable car reserved for freight, which tipped them on to rocks 100ft below.

  But the one-year-old girl, tucked in a rucksack on her dad’s back, was saved when the bag snared in overhead branches.

  Rescuers heard whimpering from the tree and saved her.

  She was critically injured but expected to survive. Medics nicknamed the orphan Edelweiss after the hardy mountain flower which survives in the harshest of conditions.

  Her Swiss dad, 38, and Canadian mum, 31, died instantly from head injuries.

  An Alpine worker was arrested for making “contradictory statements” to the police at the scene.

  It is understood that he illegally allowed the family to use the freight cable car.

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