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2024-06-02 18:30:24


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Swiss authorities are investigating a series of bizarre deposits.Investigators in Geneva are trying to understand why two Spanish women flushed roughly €100,000 (0,000) down toilets at a UBS bank branch and three nearby restaurants.Vincent Derouand of the Geneva Prosecutors' Office said the first incident involving cut-up €500 bills occurred in May.Security camera footage led investigators to the two Spanish women. Derouand said that a lawyer for the women confirmed the cash belonged to them."It may be illegal [cash] and they tried to get rid of it," Derouand said. "We have to check where the money is coming from."Derouand declined to identify the women."This is a strange story," he said. "It does not happen often."UBS declined to comment on the cash found at the Geneva branch, citing the ongoing investigation.The European Central Bank plans to kill off the €500 note next year because of concerns that it "could facilitate illicit activities."Europe's top law enforcement agency says the note (worth about 0) is often used by money launderers because of its unusually large denomination and portability. Plus, using cash helps criminals keep transactions and savings anonymous.In a 2015 report, Europol said cash was still the "instrument of choice" for terrorists and €500 bills were in high demand.Switzerland was long known for banking privacy laws that made it possible for banks to refuse to hand over their customers' data to authorities.But in recent years the country has agreed to start sharing financial information with outsiders, including the European Union and the U.S. 1610

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STUART, Fla. - A Martin County woman is turning 90 years old this week and got a huge surprise to help her celebrate the milestone.She has some of the best stories you'll hear, and her impact on the community makes her a treasured part of Martin County's history.Evelyn Deggeller thought she was going to a formal event at a SkyBlue Jet Aviation hangar at Witham Field Thursday, but her friend, Suzanne Deuser, had a big surprise planned.Deggeller, who once owned a plane and has a pilot's license, was treated to an hour-long flight from SkyBlue Jet Aviation to Jupiter and back.When she landed, a brass band was waiting for her, along with friends, family and city and county leaders."This is all for you," Deuser told Deggeller. "I sure did not expect this," Deggeller said.Deggeller has lived a story-book worthy life that has been centered around bringing other people joy.She and her father performed magic as a traveling duo across the country. WPTV Evelyn Deggeller of Stuart used to travel across the U.S. performing magic with her father and owned exotic animals. "I did what they call stage magic. No cards, nothing up close. It was all big pieces that were on stage," Deggeller said.She recalled pulling live rabbits out of hats."The best thing I do now is making money disappear," she laughed.She owned a chimpanzee and an elephant named Dixie, who gave her a lot of laughs. One time, she said Dixie was caught eating the neighbor's flowers. She could grab Dixie by the ear and walk her home.But her local claim to fame came in 1959 when she helped re-start the Martin County fair."The fair had been on before, but the war came, and everything was changed. After the war, they wanted to start up again," Deggeller said.She was just the woman to do it.Deggeller built a career supplying county and state fairs with rides and attractions and food stands.She has also been a part of charitable service organizations in Stuart, including Soroptimist International of Stuart.She holds keys to numerous cities, and Stuart Vice Mayor Eula Clarke presented her Thursday with Stuart's key to the city."I've enjoyed everything that I've been fortunate enough to do," Deggeller said.The celebration was just one more memory to take with her into her next decade."I'm shooting for 100. I don't know if I'll make it anyway, but I'm shooting for 100," Deggeller said.She says she has lived her life by "going with the flow."Of all of her experiences, she said her best years were the ones spent with her husband of more than 50 years.This story was first reported by Meghan McRoberts at WPTV in West Palm Beach, Florida. 2668

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Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has ordered county elections officials in Pennsylvania to keep separate mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day. The state¡¯s top elections official already had ordered those ballots be kept apart.The order came Friday night in response to a plea from the state Republican Party as Democrat Joe Biden inched ahead of President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania in the presidential race.Alito, acting on his own, said he was motivated in part by the Republicans¡¯ assertion that they can¡¯t be sure elections officials are complying with guidance issued by Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat.The justice handles emergency appeals from Pennsylvania. He ordered a response from the state by Saturday afternoon and said he has referred the matter to the full court for further action.The order is related to an ongoing Republican appeal to the Supreme Court to try to keep ballots received in the mail after Election Day from being counted. The state¡¯s top court granted a three-day extension, and the Supreme Court refused to block it.The Associated Press has not declared a winner in the state. 1159


Students at a California high school may have eaten cookies with another student's dead grandmother's ashes in them.Police are investigating after accusations have been made against students that they put the ashes in sugar cookies and gave them to nine classmates, according to KOVR in Sacramento.No one who ate one of the cookies got sick, the police report says."I have not heard of anyone getting sick, or anybody being harmed as far as physically or physiologically by this," Lt. Paul Doroshov with the Davis Police Department said to KOVR.The investigation is still ongoing; the cookies themselves have not been tested. 638


SUNLAND (CNS) - Firefighters Friday used a helicopter to hoist a horse to safety after the animal became stranded down a hillside on private property in Sunland.Rescuers were sent to the 11300 block of North Oro Vista Avenue shortly before 7 a.m., according to the Los Angeles Fire Department.The 30-year-old male horse, named Sunny, apparently was not injured, but was lying on the ground, and efforts to help him to his feet were unsuccessful, the LAFD reported.A helicopter was brought in, a veterinarian medicated Sunny, and the 800- to 900-pound horse was airlifted on a sling about 10 a.m. to safe ground, where he was to be examined for possible injury. 668







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