

发布时间: 2024-06-11 13:49:33北京青年报社官方账号





ENCINITAS, Calif. (KGTV) - Rare succulents grown along California's coastlines are under attack from poachers. Last week three South Korean nationals were charged with attempting to illegally export to Asia more than 0,000 in live Dudleya succulent plants. Federal authorities say the men pulled the plants out of the ground at remote state parks in Northern California and then brought them to a Vista nursery operated by one of the men. "What your seeing now, which is really detrimental, is that people are actually making so much money off of this stuff in some cases, that they're going out to habitat and just wholesale taking everything, just wreaking havoc," said Tony Gurnoe, Director of Horticulture at San Diego Botanic Garden.Part of the mission at San Diego Botanic Garden is to conserve rare and endangered plants and their ecosystems to preserve biodiversity."The natural world is under a lot of stress right now," says Ari Novy, President & CEO of San Diego Botanic Garden. Novy says the rare California succulents are a coveted treasure in several Asian countries. "Unfortunately in Asia there are a lot of really wonderful plant collectors, but there's a small minority that will go to any length to get plants they don't have, including imperiling plants in the wild and violating the law," said Novy. Two of the defendants have since fled the United States, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. If convicted on all counts, the defendants face up to 10 years in federal prison.The stolen succulents are now being reestablished in their habitat by California Plant Rescue. 1609


ESCONDIDO, Calif. (KGTV) - Retired officer Al Owens does an amazing job running the Escondido Police Athletic League.10News LEADership recognizes Al Owens’ efforts in getting kids off the streets, out of gangs and also fostering a stronger police community relationship.   285


Facebook announced today it is removing hundreds of pages and accounts run by people in the U.S. who are spreading misinformation.The social media platform's staff identified 559 pages and 251 accounts, and among those is Right Wing News, which has more than 3 million followers, the New York Times reports. Left-wing pages identified in the group include the Resistance and Reverb Press (816,000 followers).It's the most domestic accounts and pages Facebook has removed, officials with the platform said. They violate the rules about online spam, and are financially motivated, according to the NY Times report.False narratives on social media were once known as something mostly done by Russian-linked operatives. It's now become something created more in the U.S., the Times said.Researchers said it's harder to root out false information that's from the U.S. than foreign countries. That's because it "mirrors genuine networks of Americans engaging in free speech online," the Times reports. 1003


ESCANABA, Mich. (AP) — A bald eagle launched an aerial assault on a drone operated by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy — which is known as EGLE — ripping off a propeller and sending the aircraft into Lake Michigan. The department says the attack happened July 21, when the drone was mapping shoreline erosion near Escanaba in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Drone pilot Hunter King says he had completed about seven minutes of the mapping flight when satellite reception became spotty and the drone began to twirl. King and two birdwatchers saw the eagle flying away, apparently unhurt. Tracking data indicates the drone landed in the lake, about 150 feet offshore. It has not been found. 723


Facebook announced on Tuesday that it would no longer accept ads that discourage people from getting vaccinated onto its social media platform.In a press release, Facebook said they were launching a campaign to give its users useful information regarding vaccines and keep them safe and healthy during the pandemic.The social media company said Tuesday that they would roll out the ad ban in the "next few days.""Today, we're launching a new global policy that prohibits ads discouraging people from getting vaccinated. We don't want these ads on our platforms," Kang-Xing Jin, Facebook's head of health, and Rob Leathern, a Facebook director of product management, wrote in a blog post.Along with the ad ban, Facebook also launched an initiative that'll include new flu product features that provide additional vaccine-related content and work with global health partners on campaigns to increase immunization rates.Ads are still allowed if they advocate for or against legislation or government policies around vaccines – including a COVID-19 vaccine, Facebook said.Facebook also said it would be rolling out the ad ban in the coming days. 1149


