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2024-06-02 23:01:49



Astronauts on board a Soyuz rocket heading to the International Space Station survived an emergency landing following a booster failure, a Russian space official said Thursday."The crew landed," Dmitry Rogozin, director of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, said on Twitter. "All are alive."The rocket was transporting NASA astronaut Nick Hague and cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin of Roscosmos for a six-month stay on the ISS.NASA said its support teams had reached the location where the crew touched down."The search and rescue teams have reached the Soyuz spacecraft landing site and report that the two crew members are in good condition and are out of the capsule," NASA tweeted.The pair will be taken to the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, outside the Russian capital, Moscow, NASA said.  818


Back by popular demand, Applebee's is once again offering cheap drinks all month long.The company is offering margaritas for the entire month of April. They originally ran this promotion in October but brought it back.There isn't even a time limit on the drinks. They're available from open to close at every location."It's seriously just - 100 pennies, that's all," the company said in a release."go ahead, put that dollar burning a hole in your pocket to good use and buy yourself something delicious." 518


As many people are still struggling to reclaim their financial footing, experts say easing the burden on your future entails putting a financial plan into place right now.So where do you start?WXYZ spoke to Robin Thompson of metro Detroit's MoneyWise Consulting for the top five financial things you need to do as you get ready for the new year.#1) Review your spending planNow is a good time to evaluate your expenses. Figure out where you can cut temporarily. Good places to look include anywhere you’re sending an automatic payment. Think about any unused streaming service subscriptions or gym memberships."You really have to get clear on what’s a need," said Thompson. "What’s a want? What is truly essential?"#2) Make a plan to get out of debtYou want to list all of your creditors, all of your corresponding interest rates, and then really laser focus on the debts with the highest interest rates.People should be allocating a minimum amount total of three months of essential living expenses for their emergency fund.#3) Start building an emergency fund"If you only have the ability to set aside a week, don’t get hung up on the amount," said Thompson. "The habit is more important than the amount."#4) Prepare for recoveryMortgage-holding homeowners and students should take advantage of loan forbearance right now."Now is the time to pick up the phone and talk with your lender on how’re we gonna handle this?"#5) Re-evaluate your retirement plan"How did COVID impact your retirement savings," said Thompson. "You want to revisit your investment mix, just to make sure you’re on target for your goals."So here’s the top 5 Rebound rundown: create a new spending plan, manage your credit and debt, build out at least a three-month emergency fund, prepare for the end of loan forbearance, and review your retirement strategy. 1844


As White House advisers and congressional leaders spar over the next round of stimulus funds, President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he still has some issues with the Senate GOP's proposal released yesterday.On the mind of so many Americans are stimulus checks, unemployment and the return to school.But when asked specifically what he disagreed with, Trump punted. Despite a Trump administration push for the return of in-person learning, a number of school districts across the US have announced plans to begin the 2020-21 school year virtually. On Tuesday, Ohio’s largest district Columbus City Schools said they will start the year off virtually.Trump has said that federal funds should only go to schools that are open.Meanwhile, the next round of stimulus is being debated on Capitol Hill. While it appears there is agreement between the White House, House Democrats and Senate Republicans on providing a second round of ,200 checks for most Americans, there is intense debate on unemployment. Last week, millions of unemployed Americans stopped receiving a 0 weekly supplement to unemployment checks. Those checks were in addition to state unemployment payments.With those payments no longer being received by Americans, there are questions on the state of the economy given an unemployment rate of 11.1 percent – nearly three times higher than at the start of the year.HIGHLIGHTS OF THE ACT:- ,200 stimulus checks for the same group of Americans who received a check in the spring- 6 billion in funds for schools to hire staff and conduct social distancing- Replenishing the Paycheck Protection Program, intended to help businesses keep employees on payroll- Extending unemployment supplement, although at a lower amount- Liability protection for businesses reopening amid the pandemic 1816


ATLANTA (AP) — A Republican congressional candidate who expressed racist views and support for QAnon conspiracy theories has won a U.S. House seat representing northwest Georgia.Marjorie Taylor Greene’s candidacy was bolstered by President Donald Trump. He called her a “future Republican Star.”Greene was heavily favored in the conservative district even before Democratic challenger Kevin Van Ausdal suddenly dropped out in September.Greene has claimed in online videos that Black and Hispanic men are being held back by “gangs and dealing drugs.”She has also alleged an “Islamic invasion” of government offices and accused Jewish billionaire George Soros of collaborating with Nazis. 694



























