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北京鼻咽癌发病年龄分布图(北京北京哪里治鼻咽癌) (今日更新中)

2024-06-02 20:11:19



BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Han Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai, confirmed here Sunday he would lead a delegation to visit Taiwan in April to promote the upcoming World Expo.The confirmation by Han himself came on the sidelines of the annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's supreme legislature."I have been expecting for long to visit the Treasure Island of Taiwan," Han said. "Though the exact date has yet to be decided, I hope to make it early April."The mayor said he would take his Taiwan visit as a chance not only to promote the World Expo, which is slated to open on May 1, but to further boost Shanghai's economic and cultural exchanges with Taiwan.Taipei mayor Hau Lung-bin led a delegation to visit Shanghai in June 2008, drawing attention from the media for the improvement of cross-Strait relations between Taiwan and the mainland.


BEIJING, March 22 -- The cities of Chengdu and Chongqing are famous for their different kinds of hot pots and there are endless arguments about which one is more delicious or spicier. It will only take 56 minutes by train for people from Chengdu to eat hot pot in Chongqing when the high-speed railway linking the two cities is completed in a few years. Construction is slated to start this year.The "one hour circle" is part of the plan for the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone, and the overall development project will be approved by the central government this year, according to this year's sessions of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The two cities will generate more synergies in the future.Migrant workers from Qinghai province pick cotton in a field in Hami, in neighboring Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Xinjiang is the country's biggest cotton producing center.The State Council, China's cabinet, has sparked a new wave of regional development by laying out a dozen regional development plans with policy or financial support since last year.The Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta have acted as leading engines in the development of China's prosperous coastal areas. China is keen on fostering more driving forces to boost central and western regions to catch up.In January, the Wanjiang River Urban Belt in Anhui province was positioned as a national-level industrial transfer demonstration zone, and Hainan province was targeted to be transformed into an international tourist destination last December.Other western regions such as the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Tibet autonomous region have also become recent hot subjects for investment. Similarly, development plans for the two regions are being formulated and are very likely to be released this year or next.


BEIJING, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) -- China's banking regulator asked lenders to keep credit growth at reasonable pace in 2010 and vowed to tighten supervision on property loans amid increasing risk of asset bubbles."Banks should reasonably control new loans, better manage the pace and try to achieve balanced issuance and steady growth of credit quarter by quarter, " Liu Mingkang, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) at a meeting on Tuesday.Despite regulator's repeated warnings on risks hidden from the record 9.6 trillion yuan of new loans last year, banks rushed to lend more than 1 trillion yuan in the first month of this year in fear of the expected tighter loan policy in 2010 after the credit binge last year as media reported.An official with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China told Xinhua the credit growth in the first ten days of January was a little bit fast, and turned smooth in the last days of the month.According to the statement posted on CBRC's Web site on Wednesday, Liu said the regulator will pay special attention to the changes in the property market, strictly enforce relevant policy, and beef up the "window guidance" over credit to the real estate sector.But he restated banks should continue to support first-time home buyers.Liu also told banks to continue lending to fund rural development, small business, consumer spending and environmental protection.He said banks should keep adequate capital and heed of resurgence of bad loans.


BEIJING, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang Tuesday urged greater efforts should be made to expand medical reform this year.At a meeting of the leading group for furthering medical reform under the State Council, Li said to advance reform and development of medicine and health care cause, priority of work should go to establishment of a basic health care service system accessible to all and improvement of health care service at grassroots level.A good job should be done in basic health care insurance this year, with a goal of achieving notable increases in the numbers of urban workers and other residents taking out medical insurance policies. Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang (3rd R), presides over a meeting on deepening the country's medical reform in Beijing, capital of China, March 16, 2010"Great efforts should be made to encourage those working with economic organizations of non-public ownership, college undergraduates, self-employed people, and migrant workers to participate in the medical insurance program, while stabilizing the rate of participation in rural health care cooperative system well beyond 90 percent," said Li.The vice premier also promised to raise per capita subsidy by the government for basic health care insurance takers and participants in rural medical cooperatives to 120 yuan (17.64 U.Dollars).Li demanded not less than 60 percent of grassroots health institutions should use medicines on the essential drug list, urging authorities to take measures to reduce the prices of overpriced medicines.He also emphasized the importance of continuing to carry out major public health service programs, such as inoculation of 21 million children with Hepatitis B vaccines."It is also imperative to implement a plan nationwide for building a grassroots team of medical and health care workers, with training of general practitioners as the focus," said Li, who also set a target of training 60,000 general practitioners in three years.While urging efforts to improve long-term aiding ties among some 3,000 hospitals, Li said the reform at public hospitals should also be expanded and a good job should be done in experimental centers in 16 chosen cities.The vice premier also stressed need to encourage and guide social forces to build medical establishments.Li also asked government departments to strengthen leadership and provide financial support for the medical reform.


BEIJING, March 5 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Friday reiterated determination to curb the excessive growth of home prices in major cities and satisfy people's basic need for housing.He made the pledge while delivering a government work report to the Third Session of the 11th National People's Congress(NPC), China's top legislature, which is the latest demonstration of the government's determination to tame the runaway home prices.Driven by record bank lending and favorable tax breaks, China saw a sharp residential property price hike nationwide in the past year, triggering heated public complaints and fears of possible assets bubble.China's home prices in 70 large- and medium-sized cities, a housing price trend barometer, climbed 9.5 percent in January 2010 from a year earlier, the fastest growth in 19 months. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivers a government work report during the opening meeting of the Third Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 5, 2010Wen promised an increased supply of low-cost housing and common residential houses, restraining of speculative purchase, tighter land use management and stricter control of bank credit.A total of 63.2 billion yuan (9.25 billion U.S.dollars) will be spent by the central government in low-income housing in 2010, an increase of 8.1 billion yuan, or 14.7 percent over last year, Wen said.The government will also build 3 million housing units for low-income families and renovate 2.8 million shanty units, he said.Wen's remarks indicate the government's regulation target in the real estate sector this year, which will emphasize on satisfying demand of mid- and low-income families while ensuring a healthy development of the market, said Gu Yunchang, vice president of China Real Estate Research Association."To curb the excessive growth of home prices is a must for the healthy development, or else the foaming market would bring destructive consequences to the industry," said Gu.China's central and local governments has begun to take moves to deflate the housing bubble since late last year, including reimposing a sales tax on homes sold within five years of their purchase and raising down payment requirement for families buying a second or more houses with bank loans.In another move to cool the property market, the People's Bank of China, the central bank, announced twice within a month to raise the deposit reserve requirement ratio earlier this year.During an online chat with the Chinese Internet users last week, Wen expressed his confidence in the government measures in response to complaints over soaring home prices."It is the government's responsibility to guide the property market. I am confident that the government will ensure the healthy development of the property market," he said.
















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