

发布时间: 2024-06-02 17:50:14北京青年报社官方账号





An attempt by officials in Paris to tackle public urination by installing open air urinals, or "uritrottoirs," has outraged some residents of the French capital.The new urinals, housed in flower boxes, aren't subtle -- they're fully exposed on street corners, painted bright red, and have nearby signs advertising their presence.One in particular, located near the Notre Dame cathedral, has drawn attention for its view of the River Seine.The "intelligent urinals," which have a straw layer that eliminates odor, were installed in areas where public urination is a problem, according to a statement from city officials.Officials say the urinals are eco-friendly -- they will harness nutrients in waste to produce compost for parks and gardens. According to the statement, one year of a person's urine holds enough nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium to fertilize 400 square meters of wheat.However, these features have done little to calm the ire of local residents, who have written to the town hall in protest."I think installing a urinal in the streets of Paris for those who don't respect their surroundings is a good idea, but in my opinion, this model is not attractive at all, and where it's been set up is not appropriate at all," one man told reporters.Another resident complained, "it is definitely a desirable and historic neighborhood, but seeing people urinating right in front of your door is not the nicest thing."Ariel Weil, mayor of the 4th district of Paris, tweeted in defense of the urinals on Monday, calling them "an invention of genius." Four have been installed so far, with a fifth being planned.Paris isn't the first European city to install outdoor urinals. Amsterdam has had them for years, and cities in Belgium and Australia have also trialed them. 1812


An outbreak of salmonella infections linked to chicken salad has sickened 65 people in five states, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday. No deaths have been reported, but 28 people have been hospitalized.Diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps are the symptoms of salmonella poisoning. Signs of illness usually occur within 12 to 72 hours and last for four to seven days in most cases.An investigation by the CDC and the US Department of Agriculture linked the outbreak to chicken salad produced by Triple T Specialty Meats Inc. in January and February and sold at Fareway grocery stores in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota. Most of the sick people are in Iowa.Triple T Specialty Meats has recalled all chicken salad sold at Fareway stores between January 4 and February 9.If consumers purchased chicken salad from Fareway but don't remember the date, they should not eat it, the CDC says. Either throw it away or return it to the store.Even if some of the chicken salad was eaten or served with no ill effects, the CDC advises throwing the rest away in a sealed bag so children or animals cannot eat it. Wash and sanitize countertops, refrigerators or freezers -- wherever the salad was stored.Because foods from animals may be contaminated with salmonella, never eat raw or undercooked eggs, poultry or meat, the CDC says.Most people recover from a salmonella infection without treatment. However, for some, the diarrhea may be so severe that hospitalization is necessary. In rare cases, an infection can lead to death unless a patient receives prompt treatment with antibiotics. 1648


April is bringing a new slate of Netflix features to the streaming platform.Netflix is rebooting the classic 1960s space sitcom "Lost in Space," thrusting the Robinson family into deep space and stranded light years away from their destination.Former late-night TV host David Letterman also returns (to Netflix) with the next episode of "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman," with guest Jay-Z.RELATED: More 10News entertainment headlinesFor documentary fans, Netflix original "Mercury 13" profiles the 13 women who would have gone to space as some of NASA's first astronauts had the space agency not chosen only men until 1963.Hit movies "Bad Boys," "Cabin Fever," and "Despicable Me 3" are also heading to the platform.Fans of "Cool Runnings," "The Shawshank Redemption," and "Kung Fu Panda" are out of luck though. Those titles are on their way out.Here's what's new and leaving Netflix in April:April 1 939


Aretha Franklin is surrounded by those closest to her as the legendary singer receives hospice care.A source close to Franklin tells CNN's Don Lemon the 76-year-old "Queen of Soul" is being visited by people close to her who are reading messages from friends and loved ones, holding her hand.The Rev. Jesse Jackson visited Franklin on Wednesday, said Rainbow Push spokesperson Chinta Strausberg.Stevie Wonder and her ex-husband Glynn Turman paid the singer a visit, Franklin's publicist Gwendolyn Quinn toldSocial media has also been flooded with tributes to Franklin.Former president Bill Clinton tweeted late Monday asking others to "lift" the ailing star."Like people all around the world, Hillary and I are thinking about Aretha Franklin tonight & listening to her music that has been such an important part of our lives the last 50 years," the tweet read. "We hope you'll lift her up by listening and sharing her songs that have meant the most to you."He joined a chorus of other famous voices, including Mariah Carey, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Chance the Rapper, who offered well-wishes and prayers for the the 76-year-old singer.Her popularity has spanned generations and some fans shared personal stories of having met the icon."I met Aretha Franklin when I was 9, my grandfather's gf was her close friend," one person tweeted. "They took me to a concert and remember watching her backstage with her fur and diamonds commanding the room like a boss. I just knew I wanted to be like that!" 1505


ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The abandoned city bus in the Alaska backcountry that was made famous by the "Into the Wild" book in 1996 and a 2007 movie looks like it will have a new home in Fairbanks. The Alaska Department of Natural Resources says it intends to negotiate with the University of Alaska's Museum of the North to restore and display the bus. “Of the many expressions of interest in the bus, the proposal from the UA Museum of the North best met the conditions we at DNR had established to ensure this historical and cultural object will be preserved in a safe location where the public could experience it fully, yet safely and respectfully, and without the specter of profiteering,” DNR Commissioner Corri Feige said in a statement.A final agreement is expected within a few months. “I believe that giving Bus 142 a long-term home in Fairbanks at the UA Museum of the North can help preserve and tell the stories of all these people,” Feige said. “It can honor all of the lives and dreams, as well as the deaths and sorrows associated with the bus, and do so with respect and dignity. I appreciate the Museum coming forward with its proposal, and look forward to working with them on a final agreement.”Christopher McCandless hiked to the bus in 1992, and couldn't hike back out because of a swollen river. He died of starvation in the bus, which has become a dangerous destination for those wanting to pay homage to McCandless.In June, the bus was removed from the wilderness because it became a "sometimes deadly attraction to outdoor adventurers," the The Alaska Department of Natural Resources said in a press release. 1642


