

发布时间: 2024-06-03 01:34:02北京青年报社官方账号

广西百色叛逆期孩子改造学校-叛逆学生教育学校-【seo排名优化 】,tjldxdkjyxgs,湖南岳阳叛逆青少年教育机构,广西南宁叛逆孩子教育专门学校,江苏宿迁叛逆孩子军事化学校全封闭式,河北廊坊全封闭式叛逆学校,安徽巢湖叛逆孩子专门教育学校,云南大理全封闭特训学校




(AP) — Actress Alyssa Milano ignited social media with a tweet calling for women to join her in a sex strike to protest strict abortion bans passed by Republican-controlled legislatures.The former star of "Charmed" and "Melrose Place" urged women in the tweet Friday night to stop having sex "until we get bodily autonomy back." Her tweet came days after Georgia became the fourth state in the U.S. to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected — about six weeks into a pregnancy and before many women know they're pregnant. 539


"Caging and hurting golden retrievers is unethical and bad science, and it needs to end now," says Cromwell. "I join PETA in asking that these dogs be released for adoption immediately and spared further misery." 220


 A Pizza Hut manager in Florida threatened to punish employees who missed shifts by evacuating too early for Hurricane Irma.In a memo, the manager said workers at the Jacksonville restaurant have a "responsibility and commitment" to the community, and that employees who needed to evacuate would get only a 24-hour "grace period" before the storm."You cannot evacuate Friday for a Tuesday storm event!" the notice read. "Failure to show for these shifts, regardless of reason, will be considered a no call / no show and documentation will be issued."It also said that employees would be required to return to the city within 72 hours of an evacuation.Pizza Hut said its "local franchise operator has addressed this situation with the manager involved.""We absolutely do not have a policy that dictates when team members can leave or return from a disaster, and the manager who posted this letter did not follow company guidelines," the company said in a statement.The company added that all stores in Irma's path had been shuttered and wouldn't reopen "until local authorities deem the area safe."Pizza Hut declined to say whether the manager involved has been disciplined.Jacksonville authorities issued the first evacuation orders for parts of the city on Friday. On Monday, the sheriff's office tweeted to people in evacuation zones: "Get out NOW." Up to 4 feet of water covered some streets.FEMA is advising people in the storm's path to "only return home when local officials say it's ok."The Pizza Hut notice spurred resentment on social media. 1583


M to @MichaelDTubbs and @mayorsforagi for #guaranteedincome programs in cities across the country. This is one tool to close the wealth and income gap, level systemic race and gender inequalities, and create economic security for families. #UBIhttps://t.co/1APG505xZH— jack (@jack) July 9, 2020 304


 It`s the one thing you don`t think will ever happen.A Cumberland County, Pennsylvania couple who wishes to remain anonymous went to the new Gilligan's location on Carslile Pike, only to come back home with the wrong Members First debit card."It was just crazy busy, and we went to pay, it took a little bit but we were understanding, we left not thinking anything of it," added receiver of wrong card.She says in the days following, she and her husband tried to use what they thought was their card for purchases, but it only worked once or twice before it started to decline."We kept putting the pin in and I was like I know my pin, I use it all the time, why isn`t this working?! And it just never dawned one me to check the name just because it looked like my card. Before it declined it, we were able to pump gas with this card," she added.That`s when she and her husband realized something was wrong."We looked down at the card and saw that it wasn`t our name on the card, same bank, same color card, same everything, just not our name," said receiver of wrong card.So they traced their steps back and found out Gilligan's Carlisle pike had their card and luckily, it had not been charged.But what about the money they accidentally charged on the other person's card?We`re trying to make it right and just pay that back the guy because it wasn`t our card, it`s not right," she said.Al Pioppo at the Members First headquarters in Cumberland County says they are doing the right thing."That`s fantastic that they did go the extra step and it makes our job a lot easier, we don`t have to file a dispute for the member and if we can make the other member whole that`s fantastic," said Al Pioppo, Vice President of card services at Members First.He says situations like these happen more often than not."Not everybody`s honest," said Pioppo.And there are things to keep in mind if it happens to you.First, call your bank."We can check into the account, we`ll notify the member and then we can shut down the card immediately so that it can`t be used by anybody," he added."I think it`s so important to be honest. It was an honest mistake and just to be upright, it`s the right thing to do," said receiver of wrong card. 2237


