

发布时间: 2024-06-02 19:45:27北京青年报社官方账号





MACAO, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- Macao Special Administrative Region(SAR) Legislative Election General Auditing Committee announced the official results of the election of the fourth Legislative Assembly of Macao on Tuesday night.     In line with the Basic Law, the new legislature is composed of 29 seats including 12 directly-elected seats, 10 indirectly-elected seats, and seven others which will be appointed by the SAR's chief executive.     A total of 122 candidates from 16 groups contested in the direct elections, while the indirect elections did not take place since only 10 candidates have been fielded by the four constituencies involved for the 10 seats.     Eight of the 12 candidates who won the direct elections were veteran lawmakers that have served their terms in the legislature, which includes Kwan Tsui Hang, Chan Meng Kam, Ng Kuok Cheong, Angela Leong On Kei, Jose Maria Pereira Coutinho, Lee Chong Cheng, Ung Choi Kun, and Au Kam San were the winners of the direct elections, while Ho Ion Sang, Mak Soi Kun, Chan Wai Chi and Melinda Chan Mei Yi become the new faces in the legislature.     For the part of indirect elections, the list of winners comprises Ho Iat Seng, Kou Hoi In, Fong Chi Keong, and Cheang Chi Keong of the industrial, commercial and financial sector; Lau Cheok Va, Lam Heong Sang of labor sector; Chui Sai Cheong and Leonel Alberto Alves of professional sector; Vitor Cheung Lup Kwan and Chan Chak Mo of social, cultural, educational and sports sector.     The election of the fourth term of the Legislative Assembly of the Macao SAR officially started Sunday morning. The authorities delayed announcing the results of the legislative election because6,539 ballots were found to be spoiled, the SAR's Legislative Election Affairs committee said Monday.     Some 149,006 of the total 249,886 registered voters cast their ballots during the polling period, but 6,539 of these ballots were deemed as invalid, according to the SAR's Legislative Election Affairs Committee.     This year's voter turnout stood at 59.9 percent, compared with 58.39 percent in the previous legislative election in 2005.     The results of the legislative election still need to be submitted to the SAR's Court for final approval, and the confirmed results will be published on the SAR's Official Gazette on Sept. 30 at the latest.


BEIJING, Oct.17 (Xinhua) -- China's civil aviation industry made profits of 9.1 billion yuan (about 1.33 billions U.S. dollars) in the first nine months of 2009, despite the punch by the financial crisis on the world's civil aviation industry, said the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) on Saturday.     Domestic air passenger traffic volume grew by 23.6 percent from a year earlier in first nine months of this year.     Performance of small airports, those that handle less than 1 million passengers annually, were most inspiring, said Li Jiaxiang, director with the CAAC, at the 2009 China International General Aviation Convention held in northwest China's Shaanxi Province on Saturday.     Li said that passenger volume of small airports grew 26.7 percent year on year to 14.87 million in the first half.     He contributed the vibrant performance of small airports and regional air routes to the more balanced economic development of China's different regions in recent years, which was the result of the country's strategies to develop the relatively poor western and central regions and to revive the old industrial base in northeastern regions.     Besides, the fact that Chinese people are becoming richer and CAAC's policies carried out last year to subsidize small and medium-sized airports and regional air routes also helped the passenger volume rise of small airports, said Li.     By the end of 2008, China had 116 small airports, accounting for 73 percent of the total number of the country's airports.


BEIJING, Sep. 14 -- Just two days after the decision by the United States to levy heavy import tariffs on Chinese tires, the government here has reacted by launching an anti-dumping and anti-subsidies investigation into automotive and chicken exports from the US.     The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) Sunday did not label it as retaliation against the tire dispute, but said it acted simply in a response to domestic concerns.     The probe, which is in line with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, follows complaints from Chinese manufacturers that US-made products entered the nation's markets with "unfair competition" and harmed domestic industries, said the ministry in a statement.     MOFCOM added it is still opposed to trade protectionism and committed to working towards global economic recovery.     US President Barack Obama's signed a document "to apply an increased duty to all imports of passenger vehicle and light truck tires from China for a period of three years" on Friday, according to the White House.         In addition to the existing duties of 4 percent, tariffs will rise a further 35 percent in the first year, 30 percent in the second and 25 percent in the third. The levy will take effect before Sept 26.     The move was met with anger in China.     Minister of Commerce Chen Deming branded the decision a violation of WTO rules, a grave act of trade protectionism and a breach of the commitment the US made at the Group of 20 (G20) financial summit in London in April.     "This is an abuse of special safeguard provisions and sends the wrong signal to the world," he said in a statement on the MOFCOM website. He assured China would do everything in its power to protect the legitimate rights of the tire producers but did not elaborate.     However, in an earlier statement, ministry spokesman Yao Jian said the country would "reserve all legitimate rights, including referring the case to the WTO".     Washington played down the dispute on Saturday, claiming it is simply "enforcing the rules" and did not expect the move to escalate into a trade war.     However, the US could also levy heavier tariffs on other imports from China, such as steel, aluminum and chemical products, according to an industry insider who asked to remain anonymous.     The US Commerce Department on Thursday said it had made a preliminary decision to impose duties ranging from 11 to 31 percent on imports of Chinese steel pipes used for oil and gas wells.     The ruling supports the proposal made by the nation's steel producers led by US Steel Corp, which claimed Chinese imports were granted unfair subsidies.     MOFCOM, however, said the ruling is not in line with the subsidy and anti-subsidy agreements under the WTO framework.    Chinese officials and their US counterparts have been unable to reach an agreement after five months of talks. However, the new tariff is lower than the 55 percent proposed by the US International Trade Commission (ITC) based on a petition led by the United Steelworkers union (USW) that said tire imports had tripled since 2004, causing plant closures and job losses.    MOFCOM spokesman Yao said the move would push the cost onto the consumers, cause US wholesalers and retailers to scramble to find other suppliers, and fail to create new jobs in the US.    "Chinese tire producers pose no direct competition to those in the US," he said before adding that China's tire exports to the US had not witnessed a remarkable increase as claimed by the USW.    Last year, the country's tire exports to the US grew by just 2.2 percent compared to 2007 and, in the first half of this year, fell 16 percent compared to 2008, explained Yao.     "Four US companies have tire production operations in China and account for two-thirds of exports to the US. The tariffs will have a direct impact on them," he said.     Cooper Tire and Rubber Co, a US-based tire maker, warned that higher tariff could disrupt markets.     The company said in a statement it believes in free and fair trade, and that the ITC's proposed remedy "is not appropriate or acceptable and could have significant negative impacts causing considerable market disruption".     The industry insider told China Daily the closure of many US tire factories "is, to some extent, a result of the strategic adjustment of the tire industry", with many tire firms moving production of low-end tires off-shore to make use of cheap labor.     "President Obama's decision is not in the interest of companies seeking higher profit margins," the insider said.     Analysts claim the actions of the Obama administration are at odds with its public statements about how protectionism could deepen the ongoing crisis.     The US and China, the world's two major economic engines, vowed to cooperate in the fight against the world recession but this dispute has caused friction before its top officials meet at a G20 summit in Pittsburgh on Sept 24-25. Obama is also expected to visit China in November.     The tariff change has also sparked debate in the US.     USW's International President Leo Gerard hailed the tariff hike by saying it "sent the message that we expect others to live by the rules, just as we do".     However, Marguerite Trossevin, legal counsel to the American Coalition for Free Trade in Tires, a pro-business group, said: "We are certainly disheartened the president bowed to the USW and disregarded the interests of thousands of other US workers and consumers."


BEIJING, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese farmers would see their income continue to rise this year, Vice Minister of Agriculture Chen Xiaohua said at a press conference Saturday.     "As China's economy is recovering, there are more and more positive factors supporting the increase of farmers' income," said Chen.     Farmers' per capita cash income in the first half of this year reached 2,733 yuan (400 U.S. dollars), up 8.1 percent year on year. But the increase rate was 2.2 percentage points slower than that in the same period last year, according to Chen.     "The growth is remarkable and the statistics are pleasing. However, China is still short of a long-term mechanism for increasing farmers' income and efforts need to be made to increase the channels for farmers to earn more money," said Chen.     In the past, farmers' income was mainly driven up by increased grain production or raised prices. "Now, we should push forward agricultural industrialization to let market guide grain planting and agricultural production," Chen said.     Chen also stressed the importance of creating more jobs for surplus rural laborers in a bid to increase their salary income.     The salary income mainly comes from the earnings from working in local or urban enterprises.     The economic crisis reduced the number of Chinese migrant workers, with the current number standing around 225 million. In the second quarter this year, this number increased 2.6 percent from the first.     Chen also said the government will increase fiscal support for farmers in subsidizing their purchase of seed, diesel, fertilizer and other production materials.     The central government always gives priority to increasing farmers' income, he said.     "Local authorities should make every effort to keep increasing farmers' income to shore up rural development and to ensure stable and rapid economic development," Chinese Vice Primer Hui Liangyu said at a rural work conference held in China's eastern city of Hangzhou from Thursday to Friday.


BEIJING, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- China's top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission, said Saturday it is drafting a development plan for the emerging industry of energy conservation and environmental protection.     The commission said in a statement posted on its Web site that the move is aimed to counter the impact of the global financial crisis by "accelerating the cultivation of emerging industries and aiming at a commanding height in future economic competition."     The development plan on the sector covers energy conservation, sustainable use of resources and environmental protection, according to the statement.     Technologies, equipment, products and services concerning energy conservation and environmental protection would be involved in the plan, it said.     The commission revealed no further details on the plan.


