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CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Mars is about to get its first U.S. visitor in years: a three-legged, one-armed geologist to dig deep and listen for quakes.NASA's InSight makes its grand entrance through the rose-tinted Martian skies on Monday, after a six-month, 300 million-mile (480 million-kilometer) journey. It will be the first American spacecraft to land since the Curiosity rover in 2012 and the first dedicated to exploring underground.NASA is going with a tried-and-true method to get this mechanical miner to the surface of the red planet. Engine firings will slow its final descent and the spacecraft will plop down on its rigid legs, mimicking the landings of earlier successful missions.That's where old school ends on this billion U.S.-European effort .Once flight controllers in California determine the coast is clear at the landing site — fairly flat and rock free — InSight's 6-foot (1.8-meter) arm will remove the two main science experiments from the lander's deck and place them directly on the Martian surface.No spacecraft has attempted anything like that before.The firsts don't stop there.One experiment will attempt to penetrate 16 feet (5 meters) into Mars, using a self-hammering nail with heat sensors to gauge the planet's internal temperature. That would shatter the out-of-this-world depth record of 8 feet (2 ? meters) drilled by the Apollo moonwalkers nearly a half-century ago for lunar heat measurements.The astronauts also left behind instruments to measure moonquakes. InSight carries the first seismometers to monitor for marsquakes — if they exist. Yet another experiment will calculate Mars' wobble, providing clues about the planet's core.It won't be looking for signs of life, past or present. No life detectors are on board.The spacecraft is like a self-sufficient robot, said lead scientist Bruce Banerdt of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory."It's got its own brain. It's got an arm that can manipulate things around. It can listen with its seismometer. It can feel things with the pressure sensors and the temperature sensors. It pulls its own power out of the sun," he said.By scoping out the insides of Mars, scientists could learn how our neighbor — and other rocky worlds, including the Earth and moon — formed and transformed over billions of years. Mars is much less geologically active than Earth, and so its interior is closer to being in its original state — a tantalizing time capsule.InSight stands to "revolutionize the way we think about the inside of the planet," said NASA's science mission chief, Thomas Zurbuchen.But first, the 800-pound (360-kilogram) vehicle needs to get safely to the Martian surface. This time, there won't be a ball bouncing down with the spacecraft tucked inside, like there were for the Spirit and Opportunity rovers in 2004. And there won't be a sky crane to lower the lander like there was for the six-wheeled Curiosity during its dramatic "seven minutes of terror.""That was crazy," acknowledged InSight's project manager, Tom Hoffman. But he noted, "Any time you're trying to land on Mars, it's crazy, frankly. I don't think there's a sane way to do it."No matter how it's done, getting to Mars and landing there is hard — and unforgiving.Earth's success rate at Mars is a mere 40 percent. That includes planetary flybys dating back to the early 1960s, as well as orbiters and landers.While it's had its share of flops, the U.S. has by far the best track record. No one else has managed to land and operate a spacecraft on Mars. Two years ago, a European lander came in so fast, its descent system askew, that it carved out a crater on impact.This time, NASA is borrowing a page from the 1976 twin Vikings and the 2008 Phoenix, which also were stationary and three-legged."But you never know what Mars is going to do," Hoffman said. "Just because we've done it before doesn't mean we're not nervous and excited about doing it again."Wind gusts could send the spacecraft into a dangerous tumble during descent, or the parachute could get tangled. A dust storm like the one that enveloped Mars this past summer could hamper InSight's ability to generate solar power. A leg could buckle. The arm could jam.The tensest time for flight controllers in Pasadena, California: the six minutes from the time the spacecraft hits Mars' atmosphere and touchdown. They'll have jars of peanuts on hand — a good-luck tradition dating back to 1964's successful Ranger 7 moon mission.InSight will enter Mars' atmosphere at a supersonic 12,300 mph (19,800 kph), relying on its white nylon parachute and a series of engine firings to slow down enough for a soft upright landing on Mars' Elysium Planitia, a sizable equatorial plain.Hoffman hopes it's "like a Walmart parking lot in Kansas."The flatter the better so the lander doesn't tip over, ending the mission, and so the robotic arm can set the science instruments down.InSight — short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport — will rest close to the ground, its top deck barely a yard, or meter, above the surface. Once its twin circular solar panels open, the lander will occupy the space of a large car.If NASA gets lucky, a pair of briefcase-size satellites trailing InSight since their joint May liftoff could provide near-live updates during the lander's descent. There's an eight-minute lag in communications between Earth and Mars.The experimental CubeSats, dubbed WALL-E and EVE from the 2008 animated movie, will zoom past Mars and remain in perpetual orbit around the sun, their technology demonstration complete.If WALL-E and EVE are mute, landing news will come from NASA orbiters at Mars, just not as quickly.The first pictures of the landing site should start flowing shortly after touchdown. It will be at least 10 weeks before the science instruments are deployed. Add another several weeks for the heat probe to bury into Mars.The mission is designed to last one full Martian year, the equivalent of two Earth years.With landing day so close to Thanksgiving, many of the flight controllers will be eating turkey at their desks on the holiday.Hoffman expects his team will wait until Monday to give full and proper thanks.___The Associated Press Health & Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content. 6433


CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. -- A Polk County, Florida man is pleading for a thief to return a sentimental wedding gift that was stolen out of a family member's truck in Port Charlotte.Boomer Bass left for a fishing trip on Little Gasparilla Island last week, and thought it was best to leave his Springfield 1911 Range Officer Gun with a family member, rather than bring it with him.On April 19th, Bass's mother reported that the gun was stolen out of his truck in the Water's Edge neighborhood in Englewood. The gun holds sentimental value to Bass. "I had a gun very similar to this one when I was younger," he said. "I sold it to help a friend of mine out, and I really regretted selling that gun." With this in mind, his wife, Stefanie, made the decision to buy him that same gun on the morning of their wedding. They married in October of last year. "She went and bought that gun for me and gave it to me that night at our wedding reception, actually," Bass said. "I think the gun signified, really, that she understood the generosity I showed when I was younger, and she wanted to show me she would be the kind of wife that would do those things for me."Stealing a gun is a felony in the state of Florida. However, Bass says if the thief wants to return his gun, he would accept it with no questions asked. "Hopefully, you feel like you made a mistake. I will not prosecute, I will not pursue any legal action. All I want is this gun back," he said. Bass said he is willing to pay the retail price for a brand new gun if his is returned safely. It is a Springfield 1911 Range Officer with wood grips, night sights, blued finish, serial # NM502637. "I'm begging you...to anyone else, this is just a gun," he said. "But to me, it means more than I can even put into words."If you have any information that could help lead Bass to his sentimental wedding gift, or you are in possession of it, he asks that you contact him directly on Facebook at Boomer Bass.  2039


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – The U.S. government will pay Moderna Inc. up to .525 billion to secure 100 million doses of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate.The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Defense (DoD) made the announcement Tuesday.HHS says Moderna will manufacture the vaccine doses while clinical trials are still underway to expedite the traditional development timeline and get vaccines to the public as soon as possible.The Trump administration hopes to deliver the vaccines by the end of the year, so long as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorizes their use.“In creating a vaccine portfolio for Operation Warp Speed, the Trump Administration is increasing the likelihood that the United States will have at least one safe, effective vaccine by 2021,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “Today’s investment represents the next step in supporting this vaccine candidate all the way from early development by Moderna and the National Institutes of Health, through clinical trials, and now large-scale manufacturing, with the potential to bring hundreds of millions of safe and effective doses to the American people.”HHS says the vaccine doses will be delivered to government-designated locations across the country and the U.S. could acquire up to an additional 400 million doses of the vaccine.If viable, the vaccines would be available to the American people at no cost, according to HHS. Healthcare professionals could charge for the cost of administering the vaccine, though.The vaccine, called mRNA-1273, has been co-developed by Moderna and scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. The third phase of the vaccine trial, which began July 27, is the first government-funded Phase 3 clinical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine in the nation, according to HHS.“We appreciate the confidence of the U.S. government in our mRNA vaccine platform and the continued support,” said Stéphane Bancel, Moderna’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are advancing the clinical development of mRNA-1273 with the ongoing Phase 3 study being conducted in collaboration with NIAID and BARDA. In parallel, we are scaling up our manufacturing capability with our strategic partners, Lonza, Catalent and Rovi, to address this global health emergency with a safe and effective vaccine.” 2402


Calling up a restaurant to order takeout is so old school. Now, there are apps that allow you to skip the phone call and get your food delivered straight to your door with just a few taps on a phone screen.We looked at some of the top food delivery apps to find out which is the best one to download. The apps include Postmates, Uber Eats, Door Dash and Eat 24.All four apps have slight differences when it comes to restaurants, fees and how easy they are to use. Not every app has the same restaurants on them, so you might have to use an app that has the restaurant of your liking.Door Dash was the simplest app to use because there weren’t that many choices or suggestions to help you choose what to eat.Eat 24, like many of the other apps offered food categories like American, Asian and Mexican to help you narrow down your choices.We found when placing your order on each app you had to add your credit card and address, but for Uber Eats you did not. If you have an Uber Ride Share account, it's automatically synced up to that app. It cut the ordering time in half if you were a new user.Although we used Postmates for ordering food, we learned you can use the app for ordering anything. Some use Postmates to order clothes to be picked up or getting an item from the drug store delivered to their house.No matter which app you use there’s a place to save money by adding a promo code. But, you’ll need to watch out for hidden service fees outside of the usual delivery and tax fee.A great feature all the apps have are alerts or push notifications letting you know where your food is and when it will be delivered.Almost every app delivered the food we ordered 10 minutes earlier than their estimated arrival time. Uber Eats delivered right on schedule.  After testing out each food delivery app, we concluded it’s best to download a few apps to meet all your needs. 1893


California just gave museums, galleries, zoos and aquariums the go-ahead to reopen, but the way they operate won't be the same. There are a lot of new rules across the nation and new changes that will affect your entertainment experiences as everyone adjusts to a new normal amid the pandemic.Executive Director Jason Jacobs can't wait to let people back in to the Sacramento, California Zoo. They'll be greeted by alligators, like little Ronnie, a 9-month-old American gator.“He made his way to California during the pandemic as we had scheduled an alligator habitat to open in April of 2020,” said Jacobs.The alligators were on their way from Florida when things shutdown. Since then, veterinarians and scientists from the University of California at Davis have worked with zoo staff. They were ready for the pandemic. As people started the lockdown, officials at the zoo were ordering extra food and supplies for their animals.“We have to have emergency management plans,” said Jacobs. “I’ve worked at zoos threatened by hurricanes, by earthquakes, by wildfires, you just have to be prepared and that’s part of operating a zoo.”And they also knew what they'd need to do to safely reopen.“Shutting down the reptile house, shutting down the playground which kids love, but it’s a high contact area, not having animal education demonstrations,” said Jacobs.The guidelines from California officials are specific. There's a long list of stipulations, things like limited capacity, disinfecting, no large events, no big in person fundraisers. The Sacramento Zoo got creative with some of those new rules.“Things like – stay within your own flock, because our flamingoes flock together, so if you come as a family, stay together,” said Jacobs. “We have other reminders that say to stay an alligators length away, not like little Ronnie alligator, but the big ones that are over 6 feet long.”They've hired more cleaning crews and strongly encourage face coverings. Those masks are a sticking point for the Memphis Zoo, which reopened about a month ago.Chief Marketing Officer Nick Harmeier says, “The biggest pushback on the new policies was the facial covering. People are either for it or completely against it. They didn’t seem like anyone was really in the middle there.”Harmeier says they wanted as many precautions as possible and didn't want to take any risks with their animals either, as there are so many unknowns about COVID-19. They've employed one-way traffic, pulled their gift facilities outside and like everywhere else, they have extremely limited capacity.“That was a big a hah for us,” said Harmeier. “We were like people have been in their houses for three months, we’re going to be slammed but that wasn’t the case and we’re still seeing that today numbers aren’t anywhere close to where they were last year and previous years.”Financially, all zoos and nonprofits have taken a hit. For Memphis, this is fundraising season. And while they're slowly opening back up, the money isn't where it needs to be.“This zoo has been through a lot of hard times – Great Depression, Spanish flu – there’s a lot of things this zoo has withstood. We feel good we’re going to push through it all."And other zoos, like Sacramento, have that same energy, reopening with a strong sense of community and survivability for the animal species they love so much. 3363


