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2024-06-02 18:27:32



A Texas police officer trying to shoot at a barking dog killed the woman he was there to help during a welfare check, authorities say.The woman has been identified as Margarita Brooks, Arlington Police Chief Will Johnson said at a press conference Friday.A caller reported a woman passed out in a grassy area in Arlington on Thursday evening. Arlington police officers, the fire department and EMS were dispatched to the scene to conduct a welfare check, officials said.When the officer approached the woman, he noticed an unrestrained dog nearby, 560


A Maui woman who went missing more than two weeks ago in Hawaii after a hike has been found alive.Amanda Eller, 35, vanished after she got injured and lost during the hike on Maui, according to a post on a Facebook page dedicated to finding her. She was reported missing May 9 after hiking at Makawao Forest Reserve on the island. Police found her car in the parking lot.Eller was lost somewhere above Twin Falls in between two waterfalls down a deep ravine in a creek bed. Rescuers spotted her Friday, and she was evacuated by air to a hospital, according to a post on her page.Javier Cantellops, one of the rescuers, told CNN that Eller was walking barefoot in a ravine, waving her arms at them.Another rescuer, Chris Berquist, said they were 757


ALLEN PARK, Mich. — Two dogs who were left by their owners inside a Michigan Petco restroom have been handed over to a local rescue group.On Saturday evening, the two older dogs were brought into the Petco store by a couple, according to a Facebook post. The dogs had no collars, just leashes, according to a shopper in the store at the time. 355


American rapper A$AP Rocky has been charged with assault after a confrontation in Stockholm in June, prosecutors said.The 30-year-old -- whose real name is Rakim Mayers -- has been in custody since July 3, following a confrontation in the Swedish capital on June 30.The rapper's lawyer, Slobodan Jovicic, has maintained he was defending himself after being assaulted and that his client is innocent."We think it was self-defense, but the prosecutor has chosen to go with the injured party's version," Jovicic said, adding that his client is "very disappointed" that the prosecutor has "chosen to go with the other party's version" of events.Swedish public prosecutor Daniel Suneson claims A$AP Rocky and two other men assaulted the victim by kicking and beating him with a whole or part of a glass bottle, according to court documents seen by CNN.All three have been charged for their involvement in the brawl and will remain in custody until the trial, which will begin on Tuesday.Suneson said that he had determined the events constituted a crime "despite claims of self-defense and provocation" after reviewing video material and witness statements."It is worth noting that I have had access to a greater amount of material than that which has previously been available on the internet. In addition to video material, the injured party's statements have been supported by witness statements," Suneson said.The prosecutor is relying on cell phone videos, surveillance video from the Grand Hotel and a burger restaurant, text messages from A$AP Rocky's body guard where he talks about the assault and where they say they've recorded it, texts from the assistant's phone and DNA analysis from a bottle used in the assault.Footage posted by TMZ and others posted by A$AP Rocky of the brawl have been at the heart of the investigation.Video clips shared on Instagram by A$AP Rocky show the rapper and his companions repeatedly ask two men to stop following them. The rapper wrote in a caption that one of the men hit a member of his security "in the face with headphones," and reasserted that he was "innocent."But, in another video posted by TMZ, A$AP Rocky appears to grab one of the men and throw him to the ground. Another angle appeared to show the rapper and members of his entourage kicking and punching the man.Suneson said there were two injured in the assault, but allegations of one were dropped due to insufficient evidence and the prosecution only related to one injured party.Court documents claim that A$AP Rocky forcefully threw the victim to the ground before assaulting him.A counter allegation was also made by the rapper's bodyguard, but that case was closed, Suneson added.A$AP Rocky's case has drawn the attention of recording artists like Justin Bieber, as well as US President Donald Trump, who have called for his release. But authorities in Sweden have said they will not be swayed by international pressure."The Swedish judicial system is completely independent and does not take into consideration outside pressure from politicians or others," a spokesman for the Swedish prosecution authority told CNN on Sunday.And, while Trump has offered to personally vouch for the 30-year-old rapper's bail, the bail system does not exist in Sweden.As Dennis Martinsson, a legal expert in Sweden, told CNN: "If you know the Swedish legal system you know that there is no bail system.""Actually, the Swedish constitution prevents any minister, even the Prime Minister, getting involved, or even saying something about an individual case," he added.The President's involvement in the case came at the request of celebrities and the First Lady -- the latest incident in which star influence has swayed Trump to make certain decisions.Trump on Friday credited Melania Trump with bringing A$AP Rocky's plight to his attention.The President added: "Many members of the African American community have called me -- friends of mine -- and said, 'Could you help?'"Trump also revealed on Twitter that he spoke to Kanye West about the matter. On Thursday, Kim Kardashian West thanked Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Trump's son-in-law and senior White House adviser Jared Kushner for their efforts in trying to get A$AP Rocky released.Asked about whether A$AP Rocky had any response to the support offered by President Trump, the rapper's lawyer said: "There has been a lot of support from a lot of different people, and Mayers is of course very thankful for everybody that has reached out." 4517


After weeks of relatively warm conditions for much of the Midwest and Northeast, a major snow storm has the Midwest and Northeast in its sights. Blizzard warnings have been issued for parts of the Dakotas, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska. Winter storm warnings are in effect for parts of Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Other parts of the Midwest and Northeast are under winter weather advisories or winter storm watches. One major impact the winter storm is having is on the presidential campaign. Several campaign events have been canceled ahead of the storm. Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg have canceled events scheduled for Iowa.The storm is expected to drop 4 to 8 inches in a large swath from Nebraska to Maine. Some areas could also see freezing rain. Note: This article previously noted that Amy Klobuchar's event in Minneapolis had been canceled. The event will still take place Friday evening. 984



























