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北京大脚骨非手术治疗(北京快速治疗大脚骨) (今日更新中)

2024-06-02 18:28:58



VIENNA, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- China supported the proposal of establishing a Middle East nuclear-weapon-free zone, a senior Chinese diplomat said here Thursday.China had always stood by strengthening the international non- proliferation regime, and committed to advancing the universality, effectiveness and authority of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), said Hu Xiaodi, China's permanent representative and ambassador to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Vienna.To this end, China supported building a Middle East nuclear- weapon-free zone, maintained Israel should join the NPT as a non- nuclear-weapon state at an early date, and put all its nuclear facilities under comprehensive safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said Hu, who was addressing the IAEA board meeting, which started Monday."Meanwhile, all countries in the region should conscientiously fulfill NPT obligations, as well as sign and ratify the IAEA safeguards agreements and its Additional Protocols," Hu added.He went on to say China welcomed the proposal endorsed in the final document of the NPT Review Conference this May, which calls for convening an international conference in 2012 on the establishment of a zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction in Middle East.Hu also stressed the willingness of the Chinese to work with the international community for a non-nuclear-weapon area in the Middle East, and achieving peace and stability in the region.


SHANGHAI, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) -- China said it would continue close cooperation with the United Nations as Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General, visited Shanghai Saturday.In talks with Ban Saturday night, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi applauded UN' s important role in world affairs and expressed China's support to and participation in the organization's work."China stands ready to maintain close coordination and cooperation with the UN. We will give the organization and the Secretary-General strong support," Yang told Ban.The UN chief thanked China's backing to the UN and himself and expressed willingness to further cooperation with China.Congratulating China on the success of the World Expo, Ban said he had a "most impressive" day in Shanghai Saturday by seeing the "biggest expo" in his life.Ban visited pavilions including the UN, China, Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. He will attend the World Expo closing ceremony and opening ceremony of World Expo Summit Forum slated for Sunday.Yang and Ban also exchanged views on Millennium Development Goals (MDG), climate change and other international and regional affairs.


TAIPEI, Sept. 18 (Xinhua) -- Counties and cities in Taiwan are bracing for the approaching typhoon Fanapi, as the local meteorological department forecasts it will make landfall over the eastern part of Taiwan early Sunday morning.Taitung, Yilan and Hualien counties announced schools were suspended as of Saturday night. Nantou county has evacuated some local residents living in danger areas in advance.The Maokong cable car, the longest one in Taiwan has halted operations.Tsengwen Reservoir, Taiwan's largest reservoir, has begun discharging water since Saturday noon, in preparation for heavy rains brought by Fanapi.TransAsia Airways, Mandarin Airlines and Uni Air have announced the cancellation of some Sunday flights.Some local farmers in Taitung County were racing against time to harvest crops, and fishing boats have returned to harbor.The eye of Fanapi was 420 kilometers east from Hualien County, as of Saturday noon, according to the local meteorological department.Taiwan will be prominently affected by Fanapi on Sunday and Monday, according to the forecast.


BEIJING, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Public Security Minster Meng Jianzhu on Sunday urged police forces from Beijing and six provincial-level regions around the capital to share information and work closely to beef up security work.Meng made the remarks at a work conference on police cooperation in regions around Beijing.Police chiefs of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Shandong and Inner Mongolia signed a framework agreement for the cooperation.Liu Qi, chief of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), also called for joint and efficient efforts of the police in the regions around Beijing to ensure the regions' security and stability.


SHANGHAI, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) -- The China Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo welcomed the 8 millionth visitor Saturday as a senior pavilion official announced its exhibition would run for another six months, beginning Dec.1."The China Pavilion's exhibitions will be extended for half a year beginning Dec.1 to meet people's needs", said Qian Zhiguang, deputy director of the China Pavilion on Saturday.The China Pavilion, named "The Crown of the East", has become increasingly popular since the World Expo open on May 1, with an average of 50,000 visitors daily.However, space restrictions have resulted in many visitors being turned away during the Expo, which closes at the end of October.Further, the China Pavilion is negotiating with local museums which are displaying historical items, to continue showing these national treasures, including bronze chariots and horses from the Qin Emperor, ancient porcelain, and invaluable Chinese paintings from 800 years ago.The China Pavilion is one of the permanent structures that will remain after the World Expo.



























