

发布时间: 2024-06-01 08:17:10北京青年报社官方账号





OCEANSIDE, Calif. (KGTV) — Oceanside's famous "Top Gun" house has been moved to its permanent spot amid construction of a new beach resort.The famed "Graves House" was moved last February to allow construction to begin on the Oceanside Beach Resort, before returned to its final spot last Thursday.In the 1986 action flick, the rare Victorian home served as the residence of the character Charlie. Since, it's become a local cinematic treasure in addition to other areas of San Diego, like Kansas City BBQ, featured in the film.RELATED: Oceanside 'Top Gun' home relocated, to be restored as new hotel moves forwardThe iconic cottage was then restored, according to developed S.D. Malkin Properties, Inc. The home underwent structural improvements and cosmetic detailing to help the home retain its Victorian features.The developer is looking at ways to incorporate the Graves House into commercial uses that are accessible to the public. 946


Only a handful of countries are allowing Americans in without restrictions, and the U.S. State Department is urging all Americans to avoid international travel due to COVID-19. For those who still want to go abroad, things will likely look very different.Carol Bryant, a travel advisor, just returned from a trip to Mexico.“I went for a few reasons. One, because I love it down there. I've been going there for years,” Bryant said. “I also wanted to see what it was like, so I could tell people what my experience was.”Mexico is one of the few countries currently allowing Americans in without restrictions.“I felt safer there than I feel here," Bryant said. "I think it was a much more consistent enforcement. My feeling is this isn't going away anytime soon and we need to find a way to live with it.”Each country is responding differently to American visitors.“There is a ban on Americans traveling to any of the countries in the Schengen area so that does leave Ireland and Britain open as far as European countries go,” Hannah Oreskovich, a travel influencer and marketing consultant, said.Since COVID-19 started spreading, she hasn’t traveled outside the U.S.“There’s definitely some countries who are taking advantage of those opportunities right now who probably need the tourism,” Oreskovich explained.The airline Emirates is a prime example, recently announcing passengers will receive free COVID-19 insurance. This could include medical expenses and quarantine costs. But countries change their rules about who is allowed in, and who must quarantine upon arrival, depending on case numbers.“Their numbers look good so they loosen things. Their numbers start to go up, they tighten it down,” Bryant said.“Lots of what I’m seeing, you have to test before you go and test when you get there and you're still quarantining maybe,” Sherry Ott, a travel blogger, said. ”They have to have a way to be able to check people in quarantine.” Ott is talking about Ireland, a country allowing Americans in with restrictions. One of those restrictions includes being in self-quarantine for two weeks upon arrival.“They haven't been checking it very much, so it hasn't been really as effective as they would've liked it to be,” said Ott, who has been a travel blogger since 2006. “There is a wide range," said Bryant of international restrictions. "Bahamas recently was going to start letting people in, and then they said, 'We will let you in, but you have to stay in a government-run facility at your own expense. Different countries are doing different things, but it changes all the time.”So, how do you plan a trip if rules change daily?“Get travel insurance that lets you cancel for any reason. Any reason,” Bryant suggested. “This is not the time to shop deals.”Ott said international travel will look different moving forward. “It’s going to be a lot less, a lot more self-guided tours. Maybe less time in big cities, more time in nature. Kind of those same trends that are happening in the U.S.,” Ott said. 3018


OCEANSIDE (CNS) - A fight between two men at a North County convenience store escalated Friday into a stabbing that left one of them hospitalized and the other under arrest, police said.The 9:30 a.m. fracas happened at the ampm [sic] minimart in the 1500 block of Melrose Drive, Oceanside police Lt. Kedrick Sadler said.Following the stabbing, the assailant allegedly fled on foot; medics took the victim to a trauma center, where he was admitted in stable condition with wounds to his upper body, according to Sadler.Officers searched the area with help from a sheriff's patrol helicopter, eventually finding the suspect at a business in the 700 block of North Avenue in Vista, several blocks south from the assault.The alleged assailant, whose name was not immediately available, was taken into custody without incident about 11:15 a.m., the lieutenant said.It was unclear what sparked the violence.WATCH the search for the suspect from SKY10 live: 958


OCEANSIDE (CNS) - Two vehicles crashed Saturday on College Boulevard underneath state Route 78 in Oceanside, killing at least one person.The California Highway Patrol reported a blue Tesla and red sedan collided at 3:04 p.m., causing one of them to overturn and land on its roof on College.Medics and officers from the Oceanside Police Department were on scene trying to extract the two occupants of the overturned vehicle, the CHP said. Officers were shutting down traffic in the area.A San Diego County coroner was at the scene of the crash to investigate, the CHP said.No further information was immediately available. 629


On Friday, roughly 900 million miles away, a collection of metal and electronics will crash into Saturn, disintegrating into its atmosphere. It sounds almost routine -- or at least a mere blip on the radar of importance for people grappling with hurricanes, war and political discord.But it's not routine. At least not for the more than 5,000 people who, at one time or another, worked on the Cassini spacecraft mission. For them, it's a thrilling -- and perhaps traumatic -- end to a decades-long journey."I'm now carrying around an end-of-mission handkerchief to every interview," said Trina Ray, Cassini's Science Planning and Sequencing Team deputy. She joined the mission just before its launch in 1997. "It's part of being a part of an incredible thing, and of course, everybody is so proud of the team, of the spacecraft. There's a lot of pride in what we've done." 880


