

发布时间: 2024-06-03 00:07:48北京青年报社官方账号





LOS ANGELES, June 14 (Xinhua) -- Rural elders are far more likely to be overweight or obese, physically inactive and food insecure than their suburban counterparts, three risk factors for heart disease, diabetes and repeated falls, a new study suggests."The countryside can have an isolating effect," said lead researcher Steven P. Wallace, deputy director of the Center for Health Policy Research at the University of California, Los Angeles. "When even a trip to the grocery store is a significant drive, seniors can become trapped in their houses."The researchers based their finding on analyzing the lifestyles and living conditions in California countryside.The study found that despite living in the countryside, where open space is plentiful and there is often significant agricultural production, California's more than half a million rural elders have higher rates of developing various health problems than their urban and suburban counterparts.These problems include:-- Older adults in rural areas are more often overweight or obese (61.3 percent) than their urban (57.3 percent) and suburban (54.0 percent) counterparts;-- Rural older adults do not get enough exercise;-- One in five rural elders do not participate in either moderate or vigorous physical activity in their leisure time;-- Rural and urban older adults are more likely to be food insecure; and-- One in five low-income older adults in rural settings report that they cannot consistently afford enough food to last the month, a rate is about twice that of low-income suburban adults.Approximately 710,000 Californians aged 65 and over live in the countryside -- almost one-fifth of all older adults in the state. Yet rural elders experience unique challenges to healthy living, including a lack of sidewalks, street lights, transportation services, access to healthy food outlets, parks, exercise facilities and health care sites. California's rural areas are also challenged by a dearth of physicians and other primary care providers, compelling many seniors to travel long distances to seek care, according to the study.The findings were published Tuesday on the website of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- Using integrated radar observations from a consortium of international satellites, NASA-funded researchers have created the first complete map of the speed and direction of ice flow in Antarctica, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced Thursday.The map, which shows glaciers flowing thousands of miles from the continent's deep interior to its coast, will be critical for tracking future sea-level increases from climate change."This is like seeing a map of all the oceans' currents for the first time. It's a game changer for glaciology," said Eric Rignot of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of California (UC), Irvine. Rignot is lead author of a paper about the ice flow published online Thursday in Science Express. "We are seeing amazing flows from the heart of the continent that had never been described before."Rignot and UC Irvine scientists used billions of data points captured by European, Japanese and Canadian satellites to weed out cloud cover, solar glare and land features masking the glaciers. With the aid of NASA technology, the team painstakingly pieced together the shape and velocity of glacial formations, including the previously uncharted East Antarctica, which comprises 77 percent of the continent.Like viewing a completed jigsaw puzzle, the scientists were surprised when they stood back and took in the full picture. They discovered a new ridge splitting the 5.4-million-square-mile landmass from east to west.The team also found unnamed formations moving up to 800 feet annually across immense plains sloping toward the Antarctic Ocean and in a different manner than past models of ice migration."The map points out something fundamentally new: that ice moves by slipping along the ground it rests on," said Thomas Wagner, NASA's cryospheric program scientist in Washington. "That's critical knowledge for predicting future sea level rise. It means that if we lose ice at the coasts from the warming ocean, we open the tap to massive amounts of ice in the interior."



BEIJING, Aug. 31 (Xinhuanet) – The pressure of modern society is taking a toll on sexual satisfaction, experts say following the release of an online survey.About 34 percent of people polled in the survey said that they are unsatisfied with their sex lives, with 6.5 percent "very unsatisfied".Another 32 percent condemned their sex lives as "just so-so".The survey interviewed more than 3,000 people, aged between 15 and 55, with men accounting for 74 percent of the interviewees.It was conducted by the China Population Communication Center and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences from May 1 to June 20. The survey did not give a margin of error.Only 23 percent of respondents said that they are "satisfied" with their sex lives, with 3.6 percent "very satisfied", according to the survey.But women seem to have a higher rate of satisfaction than men, with only 26 percent saying they are unsatisfied. The rate for men is 42 percent.The rate of sexual satisfaction among Chinese people is below the global average of 44 percent, according to an earlier survey by Durex. The 2007 Durex Global Sexual Wellbeing Survey questioned more than 26,000 people in 26 countries about all aspects of their sex lives - including satisfaction levels.Jiang Hui, president-elect of the Chinese Society of Andrology, attributed the lower rate of sexual satisfaction among Chinese people to rapid economic growth, which inevitably increases work and social pressure.Health problems associated with a modern lifestyle, such as diabetes and hypertension, are also to blame, he said.Jiang said his department of andrology used to receive about 10 patients a day 10 years ago. Now the figure has risen to more than 250.Rising awareness of sex and a more open attitude toward the once-taboo topic among the public also contributed to higher sexual expectations, he said.The survey also revealed that about 30 percent of respondents in the 35-55 age group had sex less than once a week."That rate is quite low, compared with the global average of 103 times a year, or 1.98 times a week," said Yang Xiong, who heads the social survey center at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.Only 16.9 percent of respondents said that they had sex more than 10 times a month. Most respondents had sex three to nine times every month.About 8 percent of respondents said that they basically had no sex at all or it was too infrequent to be classified.The survey seemed to find that the more you made, the less you had. Those who earned at least 9,000 yuan (,400) a month had less sex than those who earned less, according to the survey.Among those making more than 9,000 yuan per month, over 70 percent said they had sex less than twice a month, compared with 16.5 percent for those with a monthly salary of less than 6,000 yuan.The survey also found that when people run into problems with their sex lives, 83 percent turn to the Internet, rather than professionals, for help. Less than 6 percent said they would see doctors to solve sex-related problems.Nearly 70 percent of those polled said they suffered from sexual health problems, such as erectile dysfunction (ED)."Many patients, especially men, are reluctant to see a doctor, which they think harms their manhood," Jiang said.According to a study conducted by the Chinese Society of Andrology, at least 40 percent of men aged 40 and above suffered from erectile dysfunction, roughly the global average.But Yang, from the Shanghai academy, noted that surveys conducted online tend to produce far different results than those conducted face-to-face.He expressed reservations about the survey's accuracy and said the public should only use the results for reference.


WASHINGTON, July 27 (Xinhua) -- The solar-powered, Jupiter- bound Juno spacecraft was secured into place on top of its rocket Wednesday in preparation for launch next month, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced.The launch period for Juno opens Aug. 5 and extends through Aug. 26. For an Aug. 5 liftoff, the launch window opens at 11:34 a.m. EDT (1534 GMT) and remains open through 12:43 EDT (1643 GMT).Juno will arrive at Jupiter in July 2016 and orbit its poles 33 times to learn more about the gas giant's interior, atmosphere and aurora."We're about to start our journey to Jupiter to unlock the secrets of the early solar system," said Scott Bolton, the mission 's principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. "After eight years of development, the spacecraft is ready for its important mission."


