

发布时间: 2024-06-02 18:55:00北京青年报社官方账号





As the opioid crisis continues to damage communities across the country, new mapping technology is helping family members of victims cope by allowing them to crowdsource an interactive memorial.The "Celebrating Lost Loved Ones" map, created a couple of months ago, now marks the lives of thousands people lost to opioids. The map was created by engineer Jeremiah Lindemann and allows users to add photos and short stories of loved ones who have passed away, including the place of their passing.The goal of the map is to create a place to honor and respect overdose victims across the United States."(We want a map) that emphasizes the human toll behind the opioid crisis with a visual record of the victims it is leaving behind," Lindemann said. 764


At least 92 people in 29 states have been infected with a strain of multidrug-resistant salmonella after coming into contact with a variety of raw chicken products, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday. Twenty-one of the sick patients have been hospitalized, though no deaths have been reported.The source of the raw chicken is unclear from lab tests, and no single common supplier has been identified. The strain has shown up in samples from a variety of raw chicken products including pet food, chicken pieces, ground pieces and whole chickens. The bacteria have also been found in live chickens. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service is monitoring the outbreak, and the CDC's investigation is ongoing.This particular salmonella strain is resistant to multiple antibiotics, the most common form of treatment.People sick with this strain have experienced stomach pain, cramps, diarrhea and fever 12 to 72 hours after exposure to the bacteria.Most people infected with salmonella, the most frequent cause of foodborne illness, get better in four to seven days without treatment. Symptoms can be worse for people with underlying medical conditions, children under 5 and people older than 65, as they typically have weaker immune systems.The CDC says the outbreak started in January, and more people have tested positive for this strain through September.The patients live in California, Washington, Texas, Nebraska, Missouri, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Massachusetts and Maine.Keep in mind that poultry can spread germs any time you handle it, the CDC notes, so always wash your hands when handling raw meat or poultry. Don't wash chicken before you cook it, as doing so can spread germs to other surfaces. Wipe down surfaces that have come into contact with raw meat, and use a separate cutting board. Cook chicken to a temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit to kill harmful bacteria.Some people may like to feed their cats and dogs raw chicken, but the CDC recommends against it. Germs in the food can make your pets sick, and you can get sick handling it.If you keep chickens as pets, getting too friendly with your fowl is also not recommended. Costumes may look cute on cats and dogs, but the CDC suggests that you avoid dressing your chickens up or cuddling with them to keep from being exposed to these bacteria. 2600


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas and six other states are suing to end once and for all a program that would protect some young immigrants from deportation.The lawsuit announced Tuesday comes a week after a federal judge in Washington ordered the Trump administration to resume the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.Immigrants under the Obama-era program are commonly referred to as "Dreamers." Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had threatened legal action for the past year if the program didn't come to a halt.Joining Texas in the lawsuit are Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.A federal judge in Washington called the Department of Homeland Security's rationale against the program "arbitrary and capricious." He gave the Trump administration 90 days to make a new case. 837


ATLANTA — Georgia's legislature on Tuesday passed hate crimes legislation deemed essential by state leaders, sending the measure to Gov. Brian Kemp's desk.Georgia is currently one of four states in the U.S. without hate crime laws.The price Republicans exacted for moving that legislation forward was the simultaneous passage of a bill that would mandate penalties for crimes targeting police and other first responders.The action comes after Senate Republicans had added police as a protected class to the hate crimes legislation last week, but then moved those protections to a separate bill in a deal between the parties.Kemp's office said in a statement that he'd sign the hate crimes bill, pending a legal review.The bill's passage comes amid weeks-long protests against systemic racism throughout the country. The protests were sparked by the death of George Floyd, who died in police custody in Minneapolis after bystander video showed an officer kneeling on his neck for more than eight minutes.The passage also comes weeks after three arrests were made in connection with the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery. The 25-year-old Arbery was killed in Burnswick, Georgia in February, and his case changed jurisdictions several times due to one of the suspect's connections with the local District Attorney's office. It wasn't until days after a video of the altercation leaked to the public in May that two of the men, Gregory and Travis McMichael, were arrested and charged with murder. A third man, William "Roddy" Bryan, was also charged with murder a few weeks later. 1582


As students begin to head back to the classroom – either virtually or in person – this month begins the most uncertain school year in recent memory.While some public health experts have expressed apprehension about reopening schools, President Donald Trump gave a full-throated defense for bringing back students into classroom full time this fall. Trump hosted a group of educators and school administrators at the White House on Wednesday.Amid Trump’s effort to reopen schools, the CDC released updated guidance last month that emphasizes reopening schools. The new guidance contradicts previous guidance, which recommended closing schools during periods of substantial community transmission.The updated guidance said that extended school closures are harmful to children and can lead to severe learning loss, and the need for in-person instruction is particularly important for students with heightened behavioral needs.During an event with educators on Wednesday, Trump said not only should students return to the classroom, but he decried hybrid schedules, which incorporates a blend of in-person and virtual learning. Proponents of hybrid schedules say that they allow for students to have some in-person learning while opening more classroom space for social distancing.But the president is not a fan.“The concept of every other day seems a little ridiculous, right?” Trump said. “If you are going to do it, you do it. If you are not going to do it, the concept of going back even from a management standpoint from the school, every other day seems very strange.”Trump once again called on Congress to pass 5 billion in education funding, which House Democrats have also pushed for as part of a broader stimulus plan. While Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the White House is open to doing a piecemeal approach to a stimulus package, House Democrats have pushed for an all-encompassing bill.Some of the funding for schools could be used to help districts with additional costs associated with mitigating the risk of the virus.Trump said that the funds should follow the students. He has previously said that if schools opt for online learning, they should not receive federal funds.“If the school is closed, you know, why are we paying if a school is closed?” Trump asked. “Why are we paying the school if it is closed? I would rather give it to the student, the parents, and you do your own thing, and to me it makes a lot of sense.”While Trump is eager for a full return to school, there are several cautionary anecdotes from several districts that opened earlier this month.Most notably, the Cherokee School District in Georgia reported on Tuesday 59 students and employees tested positive for the coronavirus following its reopening. The district is now asking 925 employees and students to quarantine for two weeks. The district’s Etowah High School will remain closed until August 31 due to the outbreak. 2935


