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曲靖做人流医院多少费用(曲靖大医院做人流) (今日更新中)

2024-06-02 18:45:10



BEIJING, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- China will soon clarify the rules and regulations on qualified foreign institutional investors (QFIIs) trading stock index futures in China, the China Daily reported Friday.     "The regulator will work on the policies and regulations on securities companies, mutual funds and QFIIs ... in order to guarantee the smooth launch of index futures," the newspaper quoted Shang Fulin, chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) as saying at a national conference on securities and futures supervision that ended Thursday.     CSRC will also enhance supervision on securities firms that provide brokerage services for index futures trading and improve the country's cross-market supervision regime, the newspaper quoted Shang as saying.     Foreign institutions may be allowed to trade index futures using a portion of their QFII quota, but details on trading requirements are still unknown, said the newspaper.     At the conference Shang also said that the regulator would introduce margin trading and short selling pilot programs at the appropriate time, according to the newspaper.


BEIJING, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- "Livelihood issues" are Chinese people's top concerns as shown in on-line polls ahead of the annual parliamentary and political advisory sessions.Chinese netizens have voiced their complaints on-line and hope their voices could be heard by top leaders, national lawmakers and political advisors, who will soon gather in Beijing for the two sessions.Pension, housing and health care are among the top concerns, according to polls conducted by people.com.cn of Party's flagship newspaper People's Daily, xinhuanet.com of Xinhua News Agency and cctv.com of the state-run TV network."Pension" has earned 25,508 votes at people.com.cn, followed by anti-corruption, housing price, the income gap, employment and health care, among others. "Pension" also ranked among the top five concerns at cctv.com.Netizens called for the scraping of the long-time "dual pension scheme," in which civil servants and other public employees were entitled to pensions several times the amount of citizens employed by non-public entities."The current pension scheme widens the wealth gap," a person posted at xinhuanet.com.The amount of pension given to ordinary citizens was determined by one's monthly payment dedicated to their social security account before they retired, and is fixed to the average social income.Retirees of non-public entities get much less than their salary before retirement. But the amount of pension government employees get is almost the same as they got before retirement, sometimes two or three times higher than a factory worker.The government raised the pension for ordinary citizens by 10 percent, or 120 yuan monthly per person, starting from Jan. 1, 2010. This is the sixth time the pension has been raised since 2005. But the amount still cannot match that of civil servants'.HOUSING PRICE"Housing" is the top concern in the survey hosted by xinhuanet.com and has attracted a huge amount of comments on-line.Traditionally in China, an apartment of one's own is a must-have for marriage, although the government has tried to encourage young people to rent rooms before they buy one.As housing price in large Chinese cities have kept soaring over the past years, the government has been working on plans to increase public rental housing and build more government subsidized affordable houses.But a report from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the top legislature, said construction of low-income houses was behind target, with only about 23 percent of investment realized by the end of last August.According to the Beijing Municipal Statistics Bureau, the city's average annual income in 2008 was 44,715 yuan, while urban apartments were selling for an average 15,581 yuan per square meter.An apartment of 80 square meters costs almost 1.25 million yuan, which would require a family of two wage-earners to repay with half their salaries for 30 years.The past year saw a 24 percent increase in housing prices nationwide, according to a report from the real estate association of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce earlier this month."Hi, Premier Wen, we hope you can help us. Houses are for the rich but not for ordinary people like us. Even in my hometown, a small city as Shandong's Zibo, houses are too expensive for us. We hope the central government can address this problem," a post said at xinhuanet.com.


CHENGDU, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- Still recovering from the pain left by a catastrophic earthquake in 2008, people in southwest China's Sichuan Province now act swiftly to support quake-hit Haiti through donation and a candlelight vigil.About 160,000 yuan (23,400 U.S. dollars) have been donated throughout the province since Sichuan's charity groups called for emergent aid to Haiti that was ravaged by a powerful quake a week ago.  Students of the Xiang'e Primary School pray as they hold candles for Haiti children who are suffering from earthquake in Dujiangyan, southwest China's Sichuan Province, which was hit by strong earthquake last May, on Jan. 18, 2010. "I have been hoping to do something for the Haiti people as soon as I learned that the country was hit by a quake," said a 76-year-old lady in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.The lady, surnamed Liu, donated 1,000 yuan (147 U.S. dollars), her monthly retirement pension, at the Chengdu Charity Federation on Monday."I hope all citizens in the city can do their bit to help the Haiti people," she added.More than 50,000 people were believed to have died in the 7.3-magnitude quake that struck the island country on Jan. 12. Haitian officials said it was the strongest earthquake to hit the country in more than 200 years.Eight Chinese peacekeeping police officers also died in the quake."We received the first sum of money donated for Haiti on Jan. 14, and since then, more and more citizens have come here for donations," said Zeng Zhiqian, of the Chengdu Charity Federation."Starting today, we prolong our working time by two hours. We will also work on weekends to receive donations," he said.In Dujiangyan City, about 200 students and teachers at the Xiang'e Primary School held a candlelight vigil Monday evening, praying for the children in Haiti.Sichuan is now recovering from the 8.0-magnitude quake on May 12, 2008, which left about 87,000 people dead or missing."The Haiti quake reminds me of the Wenchuan (in Sichuan) quake. We Sichuan people are beneficiaries of domestic and international assistance. Now it's time for us to give a hand to Haiti people," said Tan Yunjun, a staff of the Dongfang Turbine Co. Ltd. in Sichuan's Deyang City.The company suffered severe losses in the Wenchuan quake, with building collapses and huge casualties.The company held a donation ceremony on Monday, collecting more than 80,000 yuan from the staff in less than one hour. Zhang Zhiying, general manager of the company, said the company would contribute another 50,000 yuan."The Chinese nation has a fine tradition of being indebted to others, and every staff in our company is willing to show their love for Haiti people," said staff Chen Xin.


BEIJING, March 5 (Xinhua) -- Premier Wen Jiabao Friday called for the mainland and Taiwan to enhance mutual political trust and strengthen the political foundation for a peaceful relationship.The mainland and Taiwan should uphold the principle that the two sides belong to one and the same China, Wen said in the government work report at the annual session of the National People's Congress, the top legislature.Wen hailed the progress made in mainland-Taiwan relations during the past year, saying that continuous improvement has brought real benefits to the people.Ties across the Taiwan Strait have warmed up in recent years, with the realization of direct air and sea transport links and postal services.The two sides are also negotiating about an economic pact, the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), which aims at normalizing trade and investment links.Wen said in the report that a unique economic cooperation mechanism would be established through negotiating and signing the ECFA.In an online chat with Internet users on Saturday, Wen said the mainland is willing to make concessions when negotiating."The reason is very simple: Taiwan compatriots are our brothers," he said.


BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping left here Saturday morning for an official visit to Russia, Belarus, Finland and Sweden.Xi, who is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Political Bureau, will attend the inauguration of the Year of Chinese Language in Russia, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.Xi makes the trip from March 20 to 30, as guest of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who is also chairman of the United Russian, Belarusian President Alexander Kukashenko, Finnish President Tarja Halonen and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt.Xi's entourage include senior officials from the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, Ministry of Education, Foreign Ministry, National Development and Reform Commission, China Development Bank, Ministry of Commerce, Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee.













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